Table of Contents
Open B2F
This specification describes the transfer of messages between Winlink Radio Mail Server (RMS) gateway stations and Winlink compatible user terminal programs (WL2K clients).
When connected with a non-Winlink client or another MBO (Non-Participating Mail Box Operator) that is not a Winlink RMS, messages will be forwarded using the current FBB protocol.
The B2F protocol is an extension of the original FBB amateur packet protocol that was aimed at the manual keyboard user. Standard FBB B1 and lower protocols do not support multiple address messages and messages with embedded attachments. This protocol extension does.
The B2F protocol MUST operate over a 8-bit clean communication bearer, which provides reliable and ordered delivery.
Message pending proposal
The FC
proposal is initially used for any Winlink encapsulated message or Winlink control message.
Other message types may be added in the future.
Standard messages of type Private or Bulletin MAY be proposed using either the lower level FA
or FB
proposals using the level B1 rules, or as an encapsulated message using level B23.
Unlike FA
and FB
proposals, the FC
proposal does not include sender or receiver address information, as that is included within the encapsulated messages' header as described above.
, FB
and FC
proposals may be intermixed in any combination within a proposal block.
; Proposal Code: "FC" B2F_PROPCODE = %x46 %x43 ; Message type. CM = WinLink Control Message, EM = Encapsulated Message B2F_TYPE = 1*2(ALPHA / DIGIT) ; Unique Message ID B2F_MID = 1*12VCHAR ; Uncompressed size B2F_USIZE = 1*DIGIT ; Compressed size B2F_CSIZE = 1*DIGIT ; Proposal definition B2F_PROPOSAL = B2F_PROPCODE SP B2F_TYPE SP B2F_MID SP B2F_USIZE SP B2F_CSIZE CR
Calling Station ID
The calling station identification command is to be sent PRIOR the calling station SID.
ABNF Grammar:
CALLSIGN = 1*(%x41-5A / DIGIT) B2F_CALLER_ID = %x3b %x46 %x57 SP CALLSIGN CR
Secure login
The exchange happens after the SID has been transmitted.
The server sends a ;PQ:
proposal with an authentication challenge, which is formatted as follow:
;PQ: 99685857
The client computes the response using the following pseudocode:
S3CRYPT:BEGIN:AESCTR:14AD:wrgBw7/DuMKaw5HDjWdeQ8K1Xj3CjDtjOcKBYUtNDSoNDMKvwq rDi8K8JsOww7bCixErw4fCgcKBA8Oew6TDm8Kcw4YhNRdjAgwt VcK2w6MdwpNhwppnw4QbX0HDkSbCgHM8w5I0w78NCsOOwrnCuG zDq8O0w5oNw5lNw6DCscOHSAlwwowSwqvDlMKAKw7DrMKGAHsp BCwMd8KjXmjDrMO7RTUTXlRqSU3CvsK4T8K2XT/DsArClsKUwq bCvD4/PRg+GkxZTWMQw755PxLCi1/Do8Oyw7TClMO3EjzCnMO2 Yj1UwpRGwq5macOqwqFrfH0Dw5Fgw4bDoDzCp8KKR8Ouw7PDmD gFwpVbwovCqsOVeMOSGsKaUMOUwppHw63DhDdqCcKXNsKcTi1i DS4aCMOnw4Uew44BWwQ0wroUJcO7w4VqdMO1XcO7wqZYGMOAP8 KXwqdSwpprw4jClcKOFQPCkFQNwpt6bMKCw7TCisOTw7vDtcOc LMOzMyXDih5KZMKBw64zw4LChGzCtjPDrMO/PBXCmVrDiA7Cp1 Ncwq3Cm8KGw7bCj8Oaw53Do3nCs8O6bcKQwqDCvV7CgSXCusKX wrLCgMK0ewnDpBLDrMKcCsKXb8Khw4TCrcOBA2DCnx0xLsKEMs OZfMK9OMKRw7pDw4fDrn1BdWXDqkLChHRlwqrDrSbDi8O5K0HD qBFQw5kCw4NdSRvDnAopU05gaEAHSBfCm8KYw5vCnMKxZTLCuz 48wp0Owo0Zw6vCrsOuw5XCtsK2c8KzdcKwwq03w7TDt8KIw7Qh w7nCusOUNMOaXlLCjAQ0aMOjw4nDpGpWwp5XAk5pwr/ChsK0wr 7DjcOcw4jCplzCpsOkERPDskjCvnlFw7IJwqzCsBkGOg08wqzC gMKXw4M4w6/DvhIHYQ1eN3bCtwk9HMOJw4jCgsOgwpBISsOPw6 7Dq29AMR7DusOjFsOpw7sFwqnDsUnCgMO0eMKTwpXDtjjCicO+ Q8KTLMOAwqrDjjEsw7vDmT1dKcOMCcKKw4wUwofDgcKkERBrw5 ZNw4kUwqfDl8OdXWXDpsOGLMK6w57DgxPCqcKdw6jDnAfDqMOt wogDRwLCo8O7JyLDssOaPVHCscKVAHjDq8KMMcOUa8KFwp3DgX PCisKRw60QwpLCnMODYsKowqrCoDh4AsORLcKjcDBPJcOCKsOi Amx9UMK9woLClsOMEMKvwqJKCz0iN1JvGjfDuxLChWkcTH3DjM OowpkFw7fDkDjCiC/CgxhSRE1Xw7nDqsOLGTbDs8KXw5PCpRQP wq9/bRjDm8KQCsOHw7/DoB7Clgw4TX3Cpm/DvsKzwp7CrsK9w5 llwo3DtkvDpVk/acKUfnMECMOpAsKKwqLCu8Kqw7TCtxsew7kH DMO4wrBswrTCoG0ZwrrDv8KqwovCri0AMsKFw5lJIsOraARJwp zDncKSS1DDhUpIwrULwp7CocOfMD3CmmPCjsOddsOTN2vDh8Ky FcK+wqPCpkhQw5N9Fkl0wq/CncOhwoNYOzwaw44TwrJxwoBXIc KEW00Tw7rCuMOzO8KsOkLCvsKiwp7CtcKhwqrCiMOiwpnDihIs wrDDocKPw7PDmy3CosKSEDECw53CuUM5woHDg8O8NhdPwrHCv8 OGwq1cBiN4wqbCgjtDb8OYLsOQw5PCr8KNI0jDgTlDbAw6e3/D oMO6w751DcODwpI9wpINJzfCssOWw5TCmFUTBVnCoBcXclIawq LCoMOzwoERPAvDnThSwoTDvSl2PU8NwojCpF3DuRjDmcK1w7zC oXBjccKIwrHCiMKvD3HDlcOdY2Ygw67Co2nDo8KAwrzDkcKvwq gdcUNjw6TDpMO/w4LCpUVbVA7CvMOudsKjcMO0fcKHw7Zsw64j w4oywp7Dog8ZTcKcw5MMw6JYw4TDhMO5w6fDow9Bw6HCuVFYw6 jDmUURJsK8PsKqUHLCo2rDsB/CrsK0w47DsMKxSg9+wqI=:END
The result is then sent to the server using the following format:
;PR: 99685857
ABNF Grammar:
B2F_AUTH_CHALLENGE = %x3B %x50 %x51 %x3A SP 8DIGIT CR B2F_AUTH_RESPONSE = %x3B %x50 %x52 %x3A SP 8DIGIT CR
Reference source code in paclink-unix, function compute_secure_login_response() and wl2k-go
Secure Gateway Login
When a RMS connects to a CMS, the latter sends a login challenge with ;SQ:
The auth scheme works the same way the Secure login does.
The RMS answers with a triplet composed of the secure login response, the frequency the client is binding to (10 digit integer in Hertz), and the used mode.
ABNF Grammar:
Data transfer
Message structure
A message is structured in 3 parts:
- The message header
- The message body
- Attachments
Message Header
The header contains the message properties, such as its MID, origination date, originator, destination(s), subject, etc. The address header is US-ASCII encoded. Each line is separated by carriage return/line feed (0x0d 0x0a
Packet headers received from a packet connection may optionally be retained as part of the body of the message. RFC 822 headers received as part of a message from the Internet will be parsed and removed at the point of entry into the Winlink system.
Message Body
The message body MAY NOT be empty. Its content is encoded to the US-ASCII character set.
It is separated from the address header by a single blank line.
The exact length (in characters) of the body of the message is indicated in the address header.
The message body is terminated with a carriage return/line feed character sequence. These two characters are not included in the length of the message body indicated in the address header and are in addition to any carriage return/line feed characters that may be in the body of the message.
The third part of the message is the attachments. There may be any number of attachments. For each attachment, there is a parameter in the address header that includes the exact length of the attachment, the original file name and extension for the attachment. The file name and extension is limited to 50 characters. An attachment is a sequence of 8-bit bytes without restriction. An attachment is always terminated by a carriage return/line feed. The carriage return/line feed sequence is not included in the attachment length indicted in the address header.
ABNF Grammar: